Friday, July 3, 2009

Caipirinha Lounge Cinema: Festa Mascarado, by Suzanna Lubrano

Here is the video for Festa Mascarado, Suzanna Lubrano's spanking new release. What do you even call this genre?

Eis o video de Festa Mascarado, a mais recente musica de Suzanna Lubrano. Que mistura incrivel de estilos musicais!


  1. This video is AMAZING!!! Suzanna is sooo beautiful!!! And that voice! I can't wait for the new album, Festa Mascarado, I think it's coming out in August...

  2. Hey Chris, I am so happy to know you like her music (and her looks). The good news is that Festa Mascarado is already out in CD and you can even buy it on iTunes. Get your copy man!
