Thursday, July 30, 2009

Caipirinha Lounge News: Home Sweet Home

My last few weeks in Argentina were spent in a myriad of buses and hostels traveling to cities such as Rosario and Cordoba. The history and monuments of these places were compelling and Rosario really does have the prettiest girls in Argentina but unfortunately time to blog has been very scarce. I took to writing my blog posts on paper, such was the difficulty in finding time. But I am now back in the States, and am kind of homesick for Buenos Aires, the rest of Argentina, and even Rio de Janeiro, where I spent 6 beautiful summer days consuming street-side caipirinhas like it was my job. I have yet to find a Quilmes or a Brahma here in the DC area, but maybe I haven't been looking hard enough.

A recent commenter on Cesaria Evora's post, Hugo Carlos, noticed that the links no longer work. Upon investigation I found out that the songs posted here from March through early April are damaged, and I will have to move them to a different server. So sit tight! As for new music, after I unpack my bags and get my head on straight, I have a lot to write about and I can't wait to share some new music with you all.

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