Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Caipirinha Lounge on your iPhone and iPod Touch

Agora já é possível ouvir o Caipirinha Lounge directamente do seu iPhone ou iPod Touch, através da iTunes app “Hype Machine Radio”. Basta fazerem o download da referida app, buscar o blog “Caipirinha Lounge”, e voilá, ‘beautiful music in Portuguese’ a tocar do teu iPhone/iPod! Mais informações aqui e aqui.

It’s now possible to listen to and read Caipirinha Lounge directly on your iPhone and iPod Touch by downloading the app ‘Hype Machine Radio’. All you have to do is download the app, go to its blog directory, find Caipirinha Lounge, and voilà, ‘beautiful music in Portuguese’ will be playing from your headphones. More info here: and here.

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