This entry was conceived as I flew thousands of feet above the Atlantic Ocean, and later, over the dunes of the Sahara Desert, on my way to Cape Town. The airplane cabin was dark, the sky outside, pitch black save for a few flickering stars, refusing to be put out. Kaskade played on my iPod, evoking beautiful memories of the many late April and May nights spent listening to it in the company of some of the best people on Earth.
I was introduced to these two particular songs by the same beautiful friend who introduced me to Boombox, Paco de Lucía, and other non-Lusophone artists who will soon be featured in this series. Quite the source she has become. Kaskade’s It’s You, It’s Me and Feeling the Night are at the apex of what I think great chillout music should sound like. These songs are sweet and melodic, words that are not usually used to describe repetitive electronic sounds. Maybe it has to do with the honeyed voice softly singing these lyrics into our ears. Or maybe it has to do with the (great) memories that music like this has the power to evoke. Or maybe Kaskade is just that good at relaxing us.
Here’s to hoping you enjoy these two songs I much as I cherish them, and that they fit nicely into your late night. And here’s to hoping that this ridiculous turbulence ends soon.
Feeling the Night
It's You, It's Me
Este post foi concebido enquanto sobrevoava o Oceano Atlântico e, depois, as areias do Deserto do Sahara, destino Cape Town. A cabine do avião estava escura, e o céu lá fora, ainda mais. A única luz vinha de pequenas estrelas que se recusavam em apagar a sua chama longíqua. No meu iPod, toca Kaskade. As músicas dele trazem-me memorias doces das inúmeras noites de Abril e Maio passados com muita boa gente e com o Kaskade sempre a tocar.
Fui introduzido a estas duas músicas pela mesma pessoa linda que me deu a conhecer os Boombox, o Paco de Lucía, e outros artistas não-lusófonos que em breve serão expostos nesta série. Granda fonte, ela. As músicas It’s You, It’s Me e Feeling the Night representam as melhores qualidades da música chillout. Música que relaxa a alma. São sons melódicos e doces, qualidades raramente associadas a música electrónica deste tipo. Se calhar é por causa desta voz feminina sussurrando aos nossos ouvidos. Que voz. Ou então são os poderes relaxantes das produções do Kaskade. O que quer que seja, só sei que quando as noites são longas, toca isto no meu iPod.
Espero que gostem destas duas músicas tanto como eu. E espero que esta turbulência termine o mais cedo possível.
-Photo by Aoiro Studio
Love these songs thanks :)