Thursday, May 9, 2013

Introducing: Kongoloti Records

The Lounge's long time readers will know how much I appreciate Milton Gulli's music. The Portuguese-Mozambican musician has done some brilliant work over the years and participated in some fantastic projects and bands, including afro-beat collective Cacique '97, Dub Inna Week and Lovers Rock Inna Week, all of which are favorites of mine and have a special place here at the Lounge.

Milton Gulli's latest project is nothing more, nothing less than a full scale label. It's called Kongoloti Records and it's already starting to flex its muscles. Earlier this year one of my favorite Angolan musicians and lyricists, the talented Mr. Helder Faradai, signed for Kongoloti. Weeks later came the huge announcement: Mozambican rap's finest, mano Azagaia, had signed as well, releasing a new single to commemorate. The fact that two heavy hitters in the Lusophone music world signed for Kongoloti makes me excited of what's to come. It's like all my favorite worlds are colliding.

Milton, great job brotha. Here at the Lounge we've got our eyes on Kongoloti Records. It looks very promising...

Kongoloti in their own words:
We were intrigued by how much music from Lusophone Africa people really knew, so we started this journey to release new and established acts from this part of the world. Lusophone Africa is house to a lot of music that people rarely hear because is mostly consumed "indoors". From the traditional sounds of the north of Mozambique to the new urban tendencies sprawling on the streets of Luanda, from the slums in São Tome & Principe to the african ghettos in Lisbon, from urban to traditional, from electronic to acoustic, Kongoloti Records will always be a symbol of good and fresh music for yours ears!! Stay tuned for our first releases coming this 2013!!!

Os leitores de longa data do Lounge sabem o especial apreço que tenho pelo músico luso-moçambicano Milton Gulli. É ele a mente brilhante por trás de projectos como Cacique '97Dub Inna Week e Lovers Rock Inna week, entre outros - projectos estes que têm um espaço especial aqui no Lounge.

O mais recente projecto de Milton Gulli é nada mais nada menos que uma Editora. Chama-se Kongoloti Records e já começa a dar os seus primeiros passos. No príncípio deste ano, um dos meus músicos angolanos preferidos, o mui talentoso Helder Faradai, assinou pela editora. Semanas depois, o estrondoso anúncio: Azagaia, que está entre os meus rappers preferidos, também assinou pela Kongoloti e lançou um novo single. Dois nomes de peso da música lusófona para esta editora recém-nascida, o que nos faz adivinhar que mais surpresas estão para vir. 

Milton, estás de parabéns! Cá no Lounge, estamos de olhos postos na Kongoloti Records. A coisa promete...

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