In your lifetime, you don’t hear many voices like this one. Nor do you see and feel beauty like the kind Concha Buika exhudes. It’s an all-encompassing beauty that emanates not just from her music or from her looks but also from her spirit. I read an insightful and honest interview she gave to the Spanish newspaper El País (in Spanish) that does a great job of capturing in words the way Concha Buika thinks and how she views herself as a woman and as a human being. She had a three-way marriage, how about that. When asked to define herself, she replied, “yo soy bisexual, trifásica y tridimensional,” in a way that challenges you to think differently, to accept her exactly as who she is.
Concha Buika was born in Spain to Equatorial Guinean parents, Eq. Guinea being that tiny, coastal central African country that has the double distinction of being the only African country with Spanish as its official language, and the home of a certain Francisco Nguema, one of the most deranged dictators the continent ever spawned. I once stopped in its capital city Malabo for a layover on my way to Luanda, marveling at the sweet, lilting Spanish being spoken aloud only a couple of hours away from my home, and at the lush, vibrant green all around me.
I own all of Buika’s albums, the latest of which, Niña de Fuego, was nominated for the 2008 Latin Grammy Album of the Year Award. I strongly recommend her music, for its raw sensuality, its passion, anguish, and romance. I recommend it just for the pleasure in looking at her photos, as if you were experiencing artwork. I recommend it for their unique sound, an intriguing blend of flamenco, jazz, copla, ranchera, electronica, and soul. I recommend it for her steamy, slow burning songs. The bilingual Love, from her album Mi Niña Lola, and the soft guitar sounds of La Niebla (Niña de Fuego) are two little pieces of Buika that I want to share with you tonight.
La Niebla

A Concha Buika nasceu em Espanha de pais equato-guineenses, o único país africano de língua ofical espanhola e o único país africano com um “líder” tão louco e sanguinário como foi o Francisco Nguema. Uma vez, a fazer escala para Luanda, parei na sua capital, chamada Malabo; foi muito interessante ouvir o espanhol musical dos equato-guineenses tão perto do nosso português angolano, e foi lindo ver aquele verde deslumbrante e intenso da sua floresta tropical…
Tenho todos os albuns da Buika, incluindo Niña de Fuego, que foi nomeado para o Prémio 2008 Latin Grammy Album of the Year. Recomendo vivamente a música dela, pela sua sensualidade crua, pela sua paixão, pelo sofrimento de algumas músicas, pelo seu romance. Recomendo-a pelo simples prazer de se apreciar as fotos dela. Recomendo-a pelo seu som único, uma mistura de flamenco, jazz, copla, ranchera, electronica, e soul. Recomendo-a pelos sons lentos, ofegantes, tenros. O Love, música em inglês e português do seu disco Mi Niña Lola, e La Niebla, do Nina de Fuego, são dois bocadinhos de Buika que quero partilhar com vocês esta noite.
Buika's Official Site
Buika's fan site
Photos by Club 1906
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